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The Niagara River Greenway Staff and Commissioners work to fulfill the Niagara River Greenway Plan through review of proposed projects, stewardship programs, community events, collaboration with municipalities and organizational partners. Our goal is to create a world class trail and greenspace network within the Niagara River corridor that communities can be proud of and cherish for generations to come.

Next Commission Meeting
is scheduled

     May 14, 2025                   2:00 pm          Buffalo Museum of Science


2025 Environmental Ambassador Summit

Thanks to the generous support of our host and sponsor, Linde, the third annual Environmental Ambassador Summit brought together seven local high school teams, five environmental organizations, and ten businesses and universities. Students began by rotating through stations led by organizations such as WNY Land Conservancy, NYS DEC, NY State Parks, NY Sea Grant, and the US Army Corps of Engineers, where they learned about conservation efforts and career opportunities. The keynote speaker, Maris Grundy, Executive Director of Silo City, inspired attendees by sharing her journey in ecological restoration. In the afternoon, students presented their proposed environmental projects through poster sessions and had the opportunity to network with organizations like the Erie County Department of Environment and Planning, Canisius University, Daemen University, and more. Congratulations to Niagara Falls High School for winning first place with their Hyde Park Native Planting Project, followed by Niagara Wheatfield High School in second place for their Tree of Heaven Removal and Spotted Lanternfly Prevention Project, and Riverside High School in third place with their Senior Legacy Winter Greenhouse Project. 

Looking for volunteer opportunities?  Hosting an environmentally based volunteer event and need helpers? Sign up on Green Guardians!

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Projects Funded by Niagara River Greenway Standing Committees

Each Point of Interest (POI) on this map, identifies a site that was awarded funding by one of the Greenway Standing Committees. Zoom in to see specific locations and click on the POI to see the proposal submitted to the Greenway Commission. 

View an additonal map of the Greenway's Ecological Standing Committee's Projects: 

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Niagara River Greenway Commission 

P.O. Box 1132 Niagara Falls, NY 14305

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